Desiccant Masterbatches – Master saviour of the magic material

by | Oct 7, 2024 | Desiccant Masterbatches

Plastic is often referred to as magic material for it can be moulded to endless shapes and sizes. It is highly stable, light, and can be reused several times without chemical processing. However, even plastic is susceptible to external factors like moisture. If it is processed or moulded with beyond permissible moisture contents, structural and visual defects can occur in the final products. Plastics absorb moisture from the air due to their chemical characteristics, forming hydrogen bonds. These bonds are extremely undesirable before processing, but absolutely necessary afterward as hydrating prevents plastic pieces from becoming brittle. To protect plastic from absorbing moisture from its surroundings, a hygroscopic material called Desiccant is used. It induces a state of dryness in the vicinity, preventing moisture from impacting the polymer. It eliminates humidity and creates a moisture-free environment. Since plastic is used in a wide range of products and applications, the use of desiccant becomes extremely important as it helps keep plastic processing defects and damage free.

Advantages of Desiccant Masterbatches

Desiccants, or moisture scavengers as they are alternatively called, absorb, or chemically bind moisture, and offer an economically viable way of eliminating moisture-related problems in plastic processing. Desiccant Masterbatches are widely used in the plastic processing industry for all the benefits they provide. Here are the most prominent advantages:

  • Reduces the need to use pre-drying of materials
  • Make higher filler addition possible without compromising on quality & thereby reducing cost.
  • Fights and solves fish-eyes issue for products manufactured with hygroscopic materials
  • Reduces lensing during storage in high humidity areas
  • It is non-toxic, non-pollutant, and doesn’t influence any of the plastic properties/characteristics
  • A cost-effective and simple solution to solving moisture-related issues
  • Protects plastics during the processing and allows the maximum usage of recycled and reclaimed polymers.
  • Increases surface properties, surface shine, and absorbing capacity, making it easier for the manufacturers to use plastic polymer more efficiently
  • Increases productivity, and reduces energy consumption and the overall cost to the manufacturers

Applications of Desiccants

Desiccant Masterbatches are extremely useful as they ensure the smooth functioning of several products and applications. Their affordability makes them a widely used product over other moisture protection solutions. Some of the main products where desiccants are used are:

  • Carry bags
  • Shopping bags
  • Mouldings
  • Raffia Tape and Lamination
  • Non-woven materials
  • Multilayer films
  • Disposable items like sheets, plates, etc.

These items are mostly used in the packaging industries to ensure that the goods being transported or stored remain moisture free. This reason alone makes desiccants a widely used material in several industries. Here are some products and applications where desiccants are prominently used: Plastics are surely the most widely and vibrantly used material. It would be rather difficult to imagine a life without plastic products. However, as easy, and convenient plastic products make our lives, it is equally important to ensure that it is treated and processed properly to maximize its performance. As it is prone to moisture-related defects, the use of desiccant masterbatches must increasingly be implemented by the plastic industry to ensure that the final products are processed to the best of their quality and performance ability.



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